How Many Colleges Should I Apply To?

When deciding how many colleges you should apply to, there's the standard advice and a more personalized look. Let's think about both.

Standard Advice

Guidance counselors, on average, recommend that you apply to seven to nine schools. Two reaches, two safeties, and three to five "just rights." This seems like a good number and has become the average. But is it right for you? Let's dig deeper.

How Wide is Your Search

Not every student is the same at this point in their college search. Some know exactly what they want--a very specific program, in a very specific geographical area, in a certain size. If you are 100% sure you want to major in journalism, in Massachusetts, at big schools only, can you apply to only five universities? As long as you've got mostly "just rights" and safeties in your mix, sure! But a student who has no idea what to major in, has no geographical preference, and still hasn't decided on school size may want to do a lot more.

Money Talks

You may think a student who is strapped for cash might want to apply to a smaller number of schools. Between application fees, the cost of sending test scores, plus even filing the CSS, it adds up. But you have to look at the bigger picture. If affording school is an issue, you may want to cast a wider net. You never know who will come through with surprise merit aid or a better package. And you have a better chance of negotiating aid with the school you want when you have multiple offers to show.

Deciding how many colleges to apply to is a personal decision, weigh the pros and cons, and think about where you're at in your search. And good luck!